Recommended Level: Pre-intermediate (A2) to Intermediate (B1)
This page is intended to be a resource for English learners and teachers. You can practice answering these adverbs of frequency conversation questions by yourself or with a partner. You can also write the answers in a notebook, in a digital document, or in the comments section below.
Resource note: The frequency percentages that I use in this resource are personal approximations based on experience and online research. If you disagree with them, that is completely fine. I am open to discussion in the comments!
Let's practice!
How often...?
"How often" is the most common phrase to ask about frequency. Ask and answer the questions below. There are many ways to answer these questions, including "X time(s) per _____" or "X time(s) per _____." For instance, if someone asks you "How often do you call members of your family?" you can say, "I call my mom one time a week." For one time, you can also say "once [a/per] week," and for two times, you can also say, "twice [a/per] week."
How often do you call members of your family?
How often do you see your friends in person?
How often do you drive?
How often do you go on vacation?
How often do you watch TV?
How often do you go to the cinema?
How often do you go to the grocery store?
How often do you go to the library?
How often do you go out to eat?
How often do you exercise?
How often do you take pictures with your phone?
How many times [a/per] _____...?
To be more specific, you can ask someone about the number of times they do something in a particular period. Look at the questions below for examples. To answer the first question, for instance, you can say, "I usually eat three times per day."
How many times do you eat per day?
How many times per day do you go to the bathroom?
How many times do you check your phone during the day?
How many days per week do you work?
How many times a year do you travel for pleasure?
Do you ever wake up during the night? If so, how many times per night does this usually happen?
How many times a day do you leave your home?
How many times a week do you chat with your friends?
How many times a year do you go shopping for new clothes?
How many times a week do you do house chores? (dishes, vacuuming, sweeping, laundry, general cleaning, etc.)
Picture warm-up
This is Brenda. She has a very consistent morning routine from Monday to Friday. If she's healthy and if it isn't a holiday, what does she always do during the school week?

Never (0%) / always (100%)
What's a country you've never been to?
What's a sport that you've never played?
Who's a musical artist that you never listen to?
What's a place that you have always wanted to visit?
What is something that you always do in the morning?
What is something that you hope you will never see?
Almost never (1-4%) / almost always (96-99%)
What's something that you almost always do in the morning?
What's something that you almost never see in your hometown?
Who almost always makes you laugh?
Who is someone that you almost never see, but whom you message?
What's a restaurant that you almost never eat at?
Usually (90-95%)
What time do you usually eat dinner?
Where do you usually go if you want to refresh your mind?
How much water do you usually drink per day?
How many hours of sleep do you usually get per night?
Do you usually shower in the morning or in the evening?
Often (51-80%)
What's a place that you often shop at?
What is something that your mom or dad often told you?
Out of all the contacts in your phone, whom do you message most often?
What do you often do on weekends?
Whom do you often talk to when you need advice?
When you were in school, did you often or almost always sit in the same seat?
Sometimes / Occasionally (25-50%)
What do you sometimes forget to do?
Do you sometimes skip breakfast?
Do you sometimes wake up late for work or school?
Who's an old friend that you sometimes think about?
Finish the sentences:
I sometimes wish that I could...
Occasionally, I have wondered [if/about]...
Sometimes, I like to go...
I occasionally try to...
Sometimes, I want to...
Hardly ever / rarely / seldom (6-10%)
Who is someone that you hardly ever call?
What is something that you rarely eat?
Who's a family member whom you seldom visit?
What's something that you almost never buy?
What's something that you rarely do during the workweek?
What's something that you hardly ever do on the weekend?
What's a shirt that you own but which you have rarely ever worn?
Name a store that you have rarely entered.
That's it! Did you enjoy practicing with these questions? If you did and you want to support my work--and if you want to continue improving your English vocabulary and speaking skills--pick up a copy of my book, 300 Practical English Words and Phrases. Thank you and good luck with your studies. Keep practicing!